This page will feature clergy resources for supporting one another’s ministries. Have you written a liturgy or have a video you’d like to share? Email it in a PDF format or a YouTube or Vimeo link to our Digital Minister, the Rev. Cassidy Hall at
Christmas Liturgy
-Streets of Christmastide, Poem and Christmas Eve prayer by Rev. Dr. Chad Abbott
Communion Liturgy
– Communion Liturgy for when we can’t be together by Rev. Cassidy Hall
The Rev. Dr. Sarah Griffith Lund – ,
The Rev. Cassidy Hall – Queering Contemplation: Finding Queerness in the Roots and Future of Contemplative Spirituality
Justice Issues
– The Rev. Dr. Sarah Lund’s sermon for Disabilities Awareness Month at Amistad Chapel UCC. The Rev. Dr. Lund serves at First Congregational UCC in Indianapolis, IN.
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