About Us

Learn more about our conference, mission and team

About the IKC

The Indiana-Kentucky Conference is a Just Peace, an Anti-Racist, an ONA, and a WISE (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supporting and Engaged) for Mental Health Conference whose mission is to live in covenant, connecting and equipping local ministries to love and serve like Jesus.

These are the people who help support our ministry and mission, both in the Conference office and among our congregations.

The IKC is governed by a slate of volunteers who make up our board. These elected persons are nominated by the people of the IKC and the slate is voted on at our Annual Gathering.

IKC Associations are responsible for maintaining connection and relationship in the more intimate networks of churches in their regions. Each Association is the ordaining body within the United Church of Christ and has a Committee on Ministry which meets with and supports minsters in all stages of formation.

We partner with many agencies nationally, regionally, and locally.

You can give time, talent, and treasure to the IKC.

If you’d like to make a donation to the IKC, click the “give now” link for more informations.

If you’d like to volunteer your time, nominate yourself of someone else for an open Board position or as a General Synod delegate, or otherwise connect with us about sharing your time and talents, click the “email us” link and let us know how you are interested in helping the IKC.

The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church. We believe God is still speaking, that faith must join with action, and that unity and diversity are equally essential values throughout the body of Christ.

Congregations and local churches are the basic unit of life and organization within the UCC. Each congregation is autonomous, with the freedom to discern and select its internal structure and procedures, form of worship, membership processes, etc. Think of the congregation as a single scene in a book, play, or movie: there’s a beginning and ending, unique characters, and specific dialogue and interactions, but it doesn’t stop there.

Associations are regional gatherings of congregations with the authority to authorize pastors and grant ministerial standing. These would be like a chapter or act, composed of multiple scenes all moving the story forward together.

Conferences encompass affiliated associations, typically within a geographical region. A conference conducts administrative duties and provides support to local congregations and associations. This can look different in every conference depending on the needs of local churches. Conferences may provide counsel, assist local churches and ministers with search and call processes, establish and maintain conference offices, conference centers, institutions, and other agencies that encourage individual and congregational growth and welfare, or conduct meetings, retreats, clinics, workshops, and continuing education events. A conference is like a compilation of many scenes or chapters into a cohesive narrative.

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